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Child Abandonment

Child abandonment and its Prevention in Europe, Daphne Programme III. - 2010-2012

Beneficiary organization: Institute of Work, Health and Organisations - UK, Nobody’s Children Foundation - Poland, Children’s High Level Group – Romania, Institute of Psychology, University of Copenhagen – Denmark, University of Lyon – France, Family, Child, Youth Association – Hungary, For Our Children Foundation – Bulgaria, SOCIA -Social Reform Foundation – Slovakia, “Life Together” Association - Czech Republic, Paramos vaikams centras – Lithuania.

The project is focusing on the different ways child abandonment can be prevented and how in the different countries of Europe the legislation, practice, training of professionals, and data collection takes place.


1. Brochure

2. Child abandonment and its prevention across Europe - Questionnaire addressed to the representatives of local authorities (download here)

3. Child abandonment and its prevention across Europe - Questionnaire addressed to maternity ward staff (download here)

4. Daphne III proposal on 'CHILD ABANDONMENT IN EUROPE AND ITS PREVENTION' (download here)