About us

bekoszonto csagyilogo


The Family Child Youth Association was established in 1993, as one of the first non-profit organizations in Hungary working in child welfare and protection – aims to support the protection of children and the strengthening families , accomplished by fortifying, training and providing services to helping professionals, parents and the wider public. The Association publishes books, training materials and for 20 years publishing the only Hungarian professional journal on family and child welfare, protection, since 2010 due to the lack of finances it has been suspended. Whilst the programs conducted by the Association are primarily provided in Hungary, we have been part of an extensive international network and regularly participating in international projects and programs. A founding member of Eurochild, member of ISPCAN and partnering in several EU projects we are also adapting good practices, translate and publish materials in different areas, like foster care, abuse prevention, child rights. Our involvement in numerous international research and training programs, organization of prestigious national and international conferences, distribution of information and awareness raising is also part of the activities.


An important element of our activity is the provision training in different conflict resolution - mediation and conferencing - techniques, including family mediation, victim-offender mediation, Family Group Conferencing.


We published the Hungarian version of the Implementation Handbook of the UN CRC in 2009, and a short version for parents, professionals and one for children, while also conducting training based on these publications 


Our different training programs are accredited in Hungary, for social workers, teachers and other helping professionals.


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