The aim of the Chicoca Tree training program is the prevention and treatment of sexual abuse of children. Developed by foreign professionals, the prevention program was adopted in Hungary in 1997 by experts in the study of child abuse with the Family Child Youth Association. The program has also been working in Mexico for years.
The program is built around a hand puppet film that tells the story of a sexual abuse case, from the symptoms of abuse to the resolution. In it, the puppets in the form of monkeys present all the elements of sexual abuse. The film is easily understood, despite the difficulty of the topic. The film is to be shown with a trained expert to parents or teachers, with group discussion to follow. During the discussions children are taught how to protect themselves; self-knowledge and body consciousness as the basis of the mental hygiene are also the objectives of the discussions. Prevention is the primary aim of the program.
Participants receive a certificate at the end of the four-day program. A
The course fee is 40.000 HUF.
Applications may be sent by email (, or by fax (+36 1 225 3525).
The Convention on the Rights of the Child (accepted in 1989 by the United Nations’ Committee) has been a part of the Hungarian rule of law since 1991( LXIV of 1991). The government and the NGOs that compiled the alternative report returned to the United Nations’ Child Right Committee on the implementation of child rights in Hungary in 1998 and 2006. After the 2006 report, the Committee recommended that Hungary:
- Support raising awareness of the Convention of the Rights of the Child
- Improve the training of professional groups that work with/for children through continuous and systematic trainings
- Provide the recognition of principles of the convention by children and their parents via the educational system
In order for adults to accept the rights of children, and their commitment to them, they must also be aware of their own rights, and thus committed to the emergence of human rights. Only by living within their rights, while respecting the rights of others, are they able to regard children as individuals with rights themselves. Children must be made aware of their rights and how to appreciate and utilize these rights. Children who know and validate their rights at the same time learn to accept and respect others’ rights. Individuals made aware of their rights from childhood, and who validate them as well, will likely become an adult able to choose right from wrong in different situations and become a conscientious, active citizen.
Our organization had the opportunity to elaborate a one-one day training program for adults and children as well in the cognition and validation of child rights.
Our child rights training aims to develop the skills and awareness change for advocacy by exercises, practices, and case processing in small groups.
Yet today, one of the greatest problems of child protection in the region is the assurance of the acceptance of children from foster homes by their new families. Our association oversees training and professional supervision of foster parents, the copyright of which is owned by the FIKSZ Program and suits the adaptation of the American PRIDE Program, which has been used with great success in several European countries. One of the most complex programs in Hungary has been in operation since 1997 and has been overseen by our association. This program is based on the child protection law which obliges every future foster parent to complete a 60-hour preparation course. Today more than 5000 foster parents and several hundred trainers have completed this course with our help and that of our master trainers
A family group conference is the official meeting of family members and people who are important to them (relatives, friends, neighbours, etc.). The goal of the conference is to discuss what is to be done to provide appropriate care for a child or youth in order to provide them with the utmost in safety. The family group conference enables families to receive support in order to be able to reach their own independent solutions to problems, but only the family participates in the decision making itself. We assist in the preparation and organization of the conference.
At meetings with a restorative approach, the facilitator works together with the guilty, offenders and lawbreakers, drawing them directly into the process of problem-solving. This process includes the victims, injured, family, friends, community and anyone on whom the offender’s behaviour has had an effect. Within the “Face to Face” training, participants acquire the methods and techniques necessary for this and as a trained facilitator will be able to implement their knowledge in the course of their work. The program is an adaptation of the American “Real Justice” program.
If 20 person applies for the course we could travel to the countryside.
At the end of the overall 30-hour learning process, participants receive a certificate, and in the personal care worker training systems we confirm 30 points.
The course fee is 40.000 HUF.
Accreditation number: S-05-153/2010
The application are welcomed by e-mail ( or fax (+36 1 225 3525).